Monday, October 8, 2012

Don't let this stop you...

I have learned some things in my years about fear:

It will cripple, maim, harm, steal from, kill and destroy will distort the way how you think, it will open the doors of oppression and depression. Fear will give legal access for certain assigned negative spirits to come in. It will cause you to be stunted in your growth and in your self esteem. If you let fear rule, you leave yourself open to be manipulated by those who walk with the spirit of Asteroth (the manipulating controlling witchcraft spirit).

It will cause you to second guess all that the Lord has spoken in your heart and you then run around always asking "what do you think - what do you think " to others. This evil thing will make you miss out on LIFE and seeing what the world has to offer. Fear will cause you to be good with being the big fish in a very small pond, never venturing out and experiencing what is there for you. It will Hinder your process, your business and ministry.

Fear will make you NOT do what is all in your heart to do because you are so concerned about what "other people" (on FB or in the REAL world will think and say & how they will talk about you)

Fear will stop you from obeying God and having every GOOD & PERFECT thing that our "Daddy" has for you....and it will HINDER and DELAY YOUR DESTINY!

I have heard for the past 20+ years of being in the network marketing industry this statement...and it is true
Fear is nothing but: False Evidence Appearing Real. 

In other words Fear is steeped in nothing but a LIE and we know where lies come from and who the father of lies is, don't we? Lies and it's cohorts are of the devil.  So who will you listen to?
For God hath NOT given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.  2 Timothy 1:7

Today, TODAY, THIS VERY SECOND as you read this make the decision to shine the light of the Holy spirit on and in you. Examine yourself, see with BOLDNESS the areas where you may have been subject to this or there is a potential for fear to take hold and cripple you. Name that thing(s), repent, cast it out of YOUR life (you don't have to wait for a deliverance service either... get delivered right where you are) in the name of Jesus. Get a fresh infilling from the Holy Ghost and KEEP IT MOVING.

And peep this: NO ONE is exempt from this.. from the pulpit to the door, from the top to the floor all of US need to chew on this AND DIGEST it.

I love you all with the Love of the Lord  - M.E.T.

Dunamis International Ministries


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